what is a
prayer group?

Opportunity to come together in His name once a month and discuss topics that make us feel inspired, connected and supported by one another and in prayer. By coming together and praying together we feel closer to Him, and feel closer to His Peace.

what we do

We drink wine or anything we feel like really … we have appetizers, veggies, fruit, something savory, something sweet … we sometimes watch a video, or sometimes we talk about a book, or a topic … we listen and share with one another … we are real … and we build each other up because we all know …

do I have to pray?

No, you don’t have to pray … this group is a safe place, safe to pray or safe to not pray … it is completely up to you. Each time we meet, there will be a prayer at the end of the night following the Prayer Process, everyone is welcome to participate but no pressure, ever.

Praying Hands
Monthly Recap

Catch up on what you’ve missed


Don’t miss the upcoming events

Graditude Gallery
Gratitude Gallery

What we’re thankful for