hosting a prayer group

Hosting a Prayer Group

Top 5 tips for hosting an evening with friends, food, drinks and prayer.

I grew up in a house where friends and family were always welcome anytime – night or day. The door was always open and there was always enough food for everyone. Whether it was a giant family get together with turkey and all the side dishes, or just some tea and toast at 3am, my parents were always up for hosting. Looking back now what I remember is the way my parents would always have warm smiles on their faces, the sound of their laughter (especially my Dad’s) and just how relaxed both of them were as hosts.

I am grateful that my parents shared the joy of hosting with me and my hope is that I can share some tips on hosting your own prayer group.

  1. Set a calendar of dates: Pick a Friday once a month for the entire calendar year. Look ahead to be sure you don’t overlap with holidays or school events (our group takes a break for summer holidays). With a large group it is challenging to accommodate everyone’s schedule so by giving out a list of all the dates far in advance it allows everyone to save the dates in their calendars.
  2. Respect times: Make the arrival time between 8pm-9pm – this gives people a window to put their kids to bed and also time to catch up with one another. Start promptly at 9pm – remember that some people have to leave at a reasonable time to work the next day or go to their child’s activities early the next morning. Start with a video or a questionnaire or something that signals the start of the evening and time to engage in the topic for the evening. If using a video, keep the video under 15min (5-10 min is ideal), because any longer than that seriously loses everyone. Wrap up the discussion for 10pm and start the prayer process so people who need to, can leave by 10:30pm. This marks the end of the evening, however everyone is welcome to stay later and chat if they like.
  3. Protect the conversation: Work hard to keep on topic and not let the conversation get ‘small’ (‘small’ meaning shallow, negative conversations about other people and things). Think big picture and keep the conversations at a higher level and on topic. Create a safe place where people listen and share with one another. We are here to be inspired, to learn and to build one another up, not down.
  4. Plan: Keep the food simple; have a fruit tray, veggie tray, something savory and something sweet. Cut/prepare plates ahead of time so food is out and ready to go by 8pm. Be sure to have both alcoholic and non-alcoholic options for drinks and if you know the favorite food and drink of the people in your group, be sure to include those as well. Prepare the verses/handouts and test the video at least one day before prayer group and then set-up prior to 8pm on the day. The goal is to have everything set up and ready to go so when people start arriving at 8pm all you have to do is welcome everyone when they come in, set them up with a drink and join them!
  5. Pray: This is the most important step for me and the reason I believe this prayer group has been successful. I pray for wisdom and direction for the monthly topics and ask God to guide me on the best way to facilitate the evening. Every month it always comes together, as James 1:5 says ‘If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given to you.’

For more resources to get started please check out the ‘Library’ link on the site.

Xo Prayer Group Girls