
Hi, my name is Sherra. I am a working mom of two boys, happily married to my best friend, living everyday life in Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

Through a series of life changing events, I found myself praying to God, asking to feel closer to Him everyday, especially when times were good. Typically, I had only turned to God and felt close to Him when times were tough – and then when life got back to ‘normal’ He would fade into the background of my life.

In 2008, my prayer was answered (although I didn’t realize it at the time) and I joined a Bible study with my sister and 4 other girls which continues to this day. Over the years we have read many amazing books written by gifted authors, watched DVD series and got together with all our resources to do deep dives into books of the Bible. Every book, every DVD, every moment with this group of girls has impacted my life and brought me closer to Him, just like I prayed for :).

Over the course of these years, I came to realize the most important job I have as a parent is to connect my child’s heart to the heart of God. I know I will not always be here for them, but God will. He will always be there for them and I want them to know Him.

In search for advice on how to make that connection, my aunt shared with me how she prayed with other moms in something called a ‘prayer group’. So in March of 2013, inspired by a recent study on ‘getting out of our comfort zone’ in our Christian lives, my sister and I decided to reach out to the moms we had met at ‘drop off & pick up’ at our children’s school and send out an e-mail to start a ‘prayer group’.

So here we are, the ‘prayer group girls’, a bunch of ‘real’ moms, who gather, drink wine, inspire one another and build each other up, all in His Name. This is all from Him, but my prayer today is that the information you get here on this site can inspire you to start your own ‘prayer group’, connect with one another, love one another and connect your child’s heart to the heart of God.

Sherra xo

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